Movement on a budget: a practical guide for the young movement student by Yannik Baurle
At the age of 19, Yannik decided he wanted to commit to the move to warm and sunny Perth to train at Modus Movement.
For those who wish to learn with us from overseas, the ONLY way is to complete an application and commit to living in Perth for at least 3 months.
Our doors and community will always support those who make the sacrifice and live their life boldly.
There is no day pass or drop in. It’s binary and not for everyone. BUT….if you, as Yannik did and is doing, make the leap you will never look back.
Let’s be honest though, unless you have a money tree financial obstacles DO play a role. So here’s some tips for those who dream of far away lands and endless oceans while training all day, every day…
For those who wish to learn from Ido Portal’s Mentorship students: in Perth & Sydney& Melbourne Australia, USA at San Francisco Santa Cruz, Boulder CO, New York city, Miami FL, Europe in Amsterdam and Stockholm and Italy, Brasilia Brazil, Dubai, TLV Israel, Hong Kong, Czech Rep.
That’s it. Enjoy the read and please share with all the budding young movement students!
How to practice movement on a budget
If you're reading this piece of advice I assume that you like the idea of practicing movement as a concept rather than single disciplines on their own. And If I assume further then there's a possibility that you are the kind of person who is truly passionate about what we call movement.
Conversely, this article is not for people who make easy excuses to not start a movement practice nor for people who are or are not well aware of this approach to movement but still keep doing their 15 minutes HIT workout 3 times a week.
You get the idea? Cool.
Now we're getting to the actual topic.
My intention is to encourage you to start or keep a guided movement practice despite the fact that you may think: "Nope, I haven't got enough money to afford it." However, I have the strong belief that if you are passionate about movement and your training, you are willing to take a hard look at your lifestyle and finances and will find a way to afford training. And the following is meant to help you along the way.
Talking about movement practice one may think of Ido Portal online coaching. There's nothing wrong with online coaching. However, if you haven't got a community around you, training on your own is not what you want. The movement practice is about interacting with people. It is not just an option but an inseparable part of it.
Being inside a community is essential for your own development as well as the development of your fellow friends and practitioners. Not only on the side of physical development. And you will be thankful for a likeminded and growth oriented group of friends around you.
For me surrounding myself with this type of people is the best decision I ever made for sure.
This option may also work out to be less expensive for you compared to online coaching. Moreover, there is the idea of being a student and being a teacher which Ido talked about immensely. And he can talk about it much better than I do. So I suggest doing your own research.
So where can I find those communities?
There are quite a few facilities around the world lead by Ido's fellow mentorship students. These are the places you want to go to get the most out of it. They are in Europe, North and South America, Israel and Australia. I decided to come to Modus Movement in Australia because it looked the most appealing to me from what I could see online when I was in Germany. Far away but worth it.
Like I said before. It might be a big step but if you are serious about your practice then you will find a way. If you want to teach at one point in the future like myself then it may make sense to spend lots of time with teachers at one of those facilities. Side benefits of making the big move are for example: Learning be self reliable (especially if you are young), experience in other countries, learning or improving a language, learning about cultures, etc. etc.
If you are under 30 you may consider getting a working holiday visa for a year. This one can even be extended if you want to.
Getting a part time job ones you are there is a good way to cover your expenses without giving away too much time you could spend at the facilities. Nevertheless, it is common sense to have at least a bit of spare money to start with as it may take a few weeks to get a suitable job. From talking to people back in Germany I know that many people are concerned about having to spend a lot of money on food in Australia. What I found is that you easily can get away with paying less for food than in Germany ones you know where to buy as the prices between stores can vary quite a lot and I assume this could be true for other places in the world too. Protein sources will be the most expensive food item but essential for your progress. In the case of Australia kangaroo game meat is widely available and very affordable. Otherwise there will always be a lean cuts of meat or other good protein sources on special in the supermarkets. If you can find a butcher who sells quality organ meats then you can save a lot of money provided that you have no problem eating it.
In general, only buy what you need and you will be fine.
In terms of accommodation it is useful to share a place with a few of your fellow practitioners as it will save you money and an added bonus is the further development of relationships. I found that spending the bulk of my time at Modus together with this wonderful community practicing most of the day is the life I want to live right now. I can meet my basic needs with the money I have and as long as I am surrounded by this community I feel like I don't need more to live possibly the richest life I can imagine.
If there are still doubts in your mind... then I try to give you another perspective. Whats the worst thig that can happen really? Ask yourself.
In the modern world you're never completely fucked. It's not like back in the day when you died from poverty.
The good old days are now!
Think about it.
Thanks to political, social and technological progress there will be a cushion catching you in 99% of the cases. Especially if you have family and/or community.
For your own benefit I would like you to live your life seeking and taking on opportunities rather than taking the easy way out but never getting to live the life you actually wish to live.
The last thing you want to happen is regretting what you did not do on your deathbed right?
Conversely, imagine being proud of the moves you made, what you accomplished and your impact in the end.
So...thats about what I can offer you and I hope this helps at least one or two people making a tough decision.